Friday, April 27, 2007

Invading Species Awareness Program

Invading Species Awareness Program

More than 160 non-indigenous species (plant & animal) have become established in the Great Lakes basin.
Invading species are one of the greatest threats to the biodiversity of Ontario's waters, wetlands and woodlands and have devastating effects on native species, habitats and ecosystems.

In 1992 the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, established The Invading Species Awareness Program. Their objectives are to:
1. Raise public awareness of invasive species and encourage their participation in preventing their spread.
2. Monitor and track the spread of invading species in Ontario waters through citizen reports to the Invading Species Hotline and the Invading Species Watch program
3. Conduct research on the impacts and control of invasive species

Plant species include:
Flowering Rush, Purple Loosestrife, Giant Hogweed, Fanwort, European frog-bit , Eurasian watermilfoil, Yellow Iris, Water Lettuce, Phragmites, and Parrotfeather.

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