Sunday, May 6, 2007

First Dig

Today, I got my hands dirty. :)

One of the two Astilbe's

The Chives. no stoppin' 'em.... ;)

The holding bed for sun plants: the soil is rich but not very deep (before hitting a stoney layer). Not so much ammending as adding. :) This will have to be expanded, by tomorrow this small semi-circle will be full of the plants being held in the two soon-to-be rose beds at the base of the front porch.

Hannah's 'cozy cottage' is moving out :(

The hops are hopping all over that fence, lilac grows up, Virginia Creepers creeps down.

Below is our holding bed for shade plants. I started edging the shade bed today (the soil there has little growing there, other than moss - and will need a bit of ammending to aerate the soil. I will have to build it up quite a bit too (there's a lot of root competition). There is still a lot to dig up, but I am really happy with the progress we made today in making better temporary homes for what survived the move.

In the shade holding bed are a couple handfuls of hostas. Um, I'm sorry - I'm a shameful gardener...they spent the winter in the two buckets. They survived, which I can only credit to the massive root balls we dug them up and moved them in (almost undisturbed) - but I fear they might have only survived to find out who did that to them, in some Audrey IIesque sort of way.
I don't have the slightest clue as to which hosta is which so this year is now The Year of the Dirt and Name that Hosta Year.

Sedum 'Autumn Fire', east fence.

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