Thursday, March 29, 2012


how I started my day
under cloudy Thunder Bay skies
I don’t think it has quite sunk in yet, that I’m back in a greenhouse planting things in pots. It’s hard to explain how ridiculously happy I am about this. There is no better air to breathe, oh and to have my hands dirty all day, do things - watching things grow. Yeah, this is my gig.

There is a pair of rain boots in the gift shop that I covet. Matching gloves. Susan always understood my fashion sense - er, greenhouse fashion sense (except the orange pants!)..., and soon my new greenhouse will too. I've had to order my sizes in each - now I can't wait for real water days instead of rain days.

Yesterday I was asked if I thought planting was boring; 

the asker thinking it was quite so. 
He went on to say there was too much time to think –
 which is, I think, why I like it so much. 
I like the time it gives me, 
...though I couldn’t tell you what I thought about today, 
other than lines and the order of things.

I thought about Caroline
I thought about lemons
calibrachoa, million bells
on the planting table

at Bill Martin's Nurseryland

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