Friday, May 30, 2008

the ram pump and some Google Earth images

The gardens of Heligan inspired me to want a hydraulic RAM PUMP for the FSRN garden. The Conservation Authority replied and said there is nothing preventing us from pumping water from the McIntyre River for our garden project. I have sent a proposal to engineering - there's a student project opportunity here.

Of all the possible resources for water near our garden site, the river makes most sense. I would still like to prospose something to administration about a grey water system out of the Fieldhouse (especially considering the upcoming renovations to the pool); but the ram would be a great example to communities wanting to learn - easily implemented, simple design, everyone wins.

There are three huge piles of delicious soil and manure on site. Were it not under a downpour I would have climbed it.
The fencing is in, thanks to Connie - now install it. No buttons! ;)

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